
Stay calm and compose after getting accused of a crime but not charged in Minneapolis, MN. Do not discuss the facts of your case with anyone, including your relatives and family members. Hire a criminal defense attorney with a demonstrated record of winning cases like yours. Your attorney will discuss your rights, guide you on how to cooperate with law enforcement within the legal boundaries, and build a solid defense strategy to fight the charges you could face in the future.
Expungement and sealing of records in Minnesota affect how your criminal history appears to government agencies and the public. The main difference between the two legal actions is that expungement permanently removes past arrests, criminal charges, or convictions from private and public databases, while sealing hides the criminal record from the public. Courts, government entities, and law enforcement agencies can access sealed criminal records.
Minnesota recently passed a public safety bill that brings sweeping changes to the state’s juvenile justice system. While minors sometimes run afoul of the law, the juvenile justice system seeks to account for the differences between children and adults. Therefore, while the penalties for adults convicted of crimes focus on punishment, those for juveniles are aimed at diversion and restorative practices.
If a county medical examiner’s work is called into question in one case, it can affect all those they were a part of. An independent review is underway of murder cases involving the testimony of the long-time medical examiner in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The review comes in response to a wrongful murder conviction that was recently vacated on the basis that the medical examiner gave flawed medical testimony.
You might ask how plea bargains work if you are considering settling your criminal case by skipping the trial phase. A plea bargain in Minneapolis, MN, happens when a criminal defendant agrees to plead guilty or no contest instead of having the prosecution prove his or her guilt at trial. The prosecution agrees to reduce the charges, recommend less harsh penalties, or drop the charges altogether in exchange for a guilty plea.
When charged with a crime in Minneapolis, Minnesota, one of the first questions you may have is: "Should I use a public defender or hire a private attorney?" Ultimately, the choice between a public defender and a private attorney depends on factors like your financial situation, criminal charges, and personal preferences.
Driving under the influence (DUI) of cocaine in Minnesota is a serious criminal offense. The penalties you may be facing if you're convicted on driving under the influence of cocaine will depend on your past DWI offenses, whether there are aggravating factors, and whether there were any injuries or fatalities caused. Several prior offenses and serious injuries or fatalities result in harsher penalties, such as hefty fines, license suspension or revocation, or jail time.
Was your teen arrested for driving under the influence after getting into a fatality accident in Minneapolis? Learning more about fatal DUI crash charges for juvenile offenders and the penalties that may apply can help you make informed decisions about how to proceed.